Monday, October 12, 2009

Brinley is reading my mind with my hand~ physco!

So right now im so excited cause this friday were leaving for a week and a half!!!
Yes yes yes!!!!!!
The cruise!!!
We are leaving early so we can go to the beaches. The warm flakey beaches Yay!
Oh and i had my birthday party. It was so much fun! We Went around the mall doing a scavenger hunt. One of them was getting a make over by a professional and so i got makeup done by a professional! Sweeeeeet. And one of the things we had to do was hold hands with a hott guy. So my team chose me-Dang! I held a hand with this guy that wasnt really cute :(
But it was soooooo much fun. I might not write a post till 2 weeks (After our cruise) So cya then! Maybe.

1 comment:

Megan Seegmiller said...


K so I have the list of msp and idk if you know what that means but ill tell you l8r and you r soooo lucky to miss a week and 1/2 of school!!!! youll have soooo much homework though!!!!

-- Megan